hey, sweet beautiful one
It’s time to honor your womanly heart. Awaken your God-given purpose. Ignite your godly zeal. Build rich and lasting relationships. Embrace yourself, mess and all, and share it with a hurting world.
The God who spoke the universe into existence formed you with His hands.
Your heart is infused with His fingerprints all over it.

Hey, dear friend
I'm Janette Foreman.
I love my Creator, my family, dancing to techno music in my kitchen, and giving myself a boatload of grace. I fiercely fight for the underdog and gently soothe my babies. I’m a mess, but I know I am enough, and I long for you to know it about yourself, too.


Which Part of You
Do You Want to Lean Into First?
Dream-Achieving Woman

Grab hold of your desires so you can stop letting life pass you by. So you can make epic things happen. Finally open your heart to discover your beautiful God-given gifts.
Fierce-Hearted Mom

Moms are warriors. Embrace your role so your massive love creates lasting change. So your kids become confident, godly, and secure in themselves and in your family.
Heart-Centered Wife

Love your husband righteously so you feel empowered, capable, and cherished. Serve him so you are blessed, so you impact his world for the better, and realize your worth.

Unapologetically-Messy Soul

This is where life gets better. Accept yourself, even the brokenness, so you can see yourself as God sees you and finally step into the wildly passionate life He designed for you.

Hey, Mama!
Are you searching for great Bible class material for your kids, ages 3-6?
I’ve got you covered!
How does 52 lessons sound?
Covers 52 of the greatest Bible stories for kids!
- Have a lesson ready each week of the year!
- Never be caught unprepared again!
- Pick and choose from 9 available activities!
- Teach your children God's Word in a fun, engaging way!
- And more!
Releases August 2022!

God chose the YOU He created you to be.
Before you were born, He knew YOU. Not only did He know you… He actively chose you. He picked out all the unique qualities that are at your core and then lovingly knit you together. And guess what? He called it good.
He has great plans for you to shine His love to a darkened world. Why? So that others will know of God’s love, too. So they can find true authenticity, healing, love, worth, and acceptance. Believe me, I understand what it’s like to go day to day without knowing who I am. Living with fear of being authentic around others. Worrying that I’m taking up too much space in the world.
But I don’t take up too much space, and neither do you. In fact, God instilled in us a creative mind that is capable of big, expansive dreams.
So, seriously. Take up space.
Dare to be truly known and live the intimate, beautiful life you were designed to live.

What Can I Help You Find?
Or Perhaps Blog Posts By Topic?

You tell yourself stories about how your life is and should be. Well, God intended a story for you, too. And it’s more amazing than you can imagine.

Don’t let your trials get you down. Draw close to God. Then choose to be resilient. Embrace the lessons you are learning, and grow from them.

Don’t get stuck in the same old mindsets that used to hold you back. Instead, cultivate a soft heart that is yearning for new beginnings, a better way to live.

You are ready! Reach for the expansive dreams that will spread God’s powerful messages to hurting people. The world needs your awesome.

How Resilient Are You?
Take the quiz to find out!
Do you let troubles in this life get you down or do you find ways to rise above the pain? Take this quiz to see how resilient you are.
Gain the advantage other confident women have by reading about heart change and then applying what you've learned.