Do you find yourself at a crossroads in life? Here are four virtues that The Restored Woman carries with her daily, as told by Janette Foreman at Passionate Heart Project.

What Are the 4 Virtues of The Restored Woman?

Do you find yourself at a crossroads in life? Here are four virtues that The Restored Woman carries with her daily.

Have you ever been lost?

Imagine you’re driving down the road, trying to get to a destination, but you find yourself in unfamiliar territory.

Perhaps you were belting out 80’s rock ballads, so you weren’t paying attention to the signs and took a wrong turn.

Or maybe you were going the right way but you discovered a detour due to construction or a fallen tree or some other obstacle out of your control.

And since you forgot to charge your phone, GPS isn’t an option.

Honestly, getting lost could happen to anybody. It probably has happened to many of us. When you find yourself in that predicament, you might feel nervous. Scared. Overwhelmed. You might tell yourself to calm down and think for a minute. You might stop and ask for directions or retrace your route. Or you may keep forging ahead, hoping you’ll bump into something familiar eventually.

Regardless of what you decide to do, there came a moment where you had to stop and make a choice. Right?

That choice would either help you or hinder you. Give you hope or leave you hopeless.

Do you find yourself at a crossroads in life? Here are four virtues that The Restored Woman carries with her daily, as told by Janette Foreman at Passionate Heart Project.

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What Is The Restored Woman?

The power in your story depends on which choice you make when you find yourself at a crossroads. So far, I’ve had a few major crossroads in my life, but let’s call them tectonic shifts, because that’s how impactful they’ve been for me.

Know the situation I’m referring to?

You’ve driven down the road of life and then find yourself derailed. Lost. You either got yourself off course because of choices you made, or something out of your control happened to you, but either way, you are at a crossroads and must decide which way to go.

You have two options: Destruction or Restoration.

A wise woman will choose the path to life, to restoration. She knows that the path to Destruction may feel easier sometimes, but in the end it will produce nothing but hopelessness. Instead, she uses the shifts that she experiences to jolt her into a life of passion, bold and brave faith, and spiritual awakening.

Enter: The Restored Woman.

Quote Image: The power in your story depends on which choice you make when you find yourself at a crossroads. By Janette Foreman at Passionate Heart Project

How Do You Know If You Are A Restored Woman?

You may be able to look through your life and find crossroads that transformed your life.

You might be standing at a crossroads right now.

If you are, you’re in the right place. There are four virtues that The Restored Woman carries with her daily. She sets her mind on these things, and they are key to her development and continual restoration.

Want to know what they are? Here are the Four Virtues below…

Virtue #1 of The Restored Woman: Sights on God

Keeping your sights on God is the number one virtue of The Restored Woman for a reason.

It’s the most important thing you can do.

In fact, none of the other virtues will get you very far, or for very long, if you don’t have Sights on God as your foundation.

When The Restored Woman has her Sights on God, that means she knows who she is in relationship to Him.

She feels deeply loved and connected to Him, and she strives to fine-tune her life to His will. She also goes to God for guidance, and she weighs her life choices accordingly.

This virtue is truly the base for all the rest. Any other virtue would feel empty or draining or painful without our Sights on God.

Virtue #2 of The Restored Woman: Heart of Service

Once you are growing in setting your sights on God, the natural outpouring of that growth is developing a heart of service.

As your life begins to transform in light of God’s plans, you feel that transformation so deeply, and you long to share it with others.

A lot of times, we don’t want others to go through the same pain we have gone through.

We long to teach all we’ve learned.

A Heart of Service even encompasses the way we women show up in our homes with our families. As wives, as moms. As sisters, as daughters.

We serve, we respect, we love, we honor, we care for. It all springs from the love we have received from Christ.

We love because He first loved us, right?

Virtue #3 of The Restored Woman: Willing Spirit

The beauty of The Restored Woman is that she has been through the fire. She has experienced pain and endured trial. When that happened, she had a choice to make with that experience: open herself to transformation or close herself off for self-preservation.

You cannot have both transformation and self-preservation.

When I say self-preservation, I’m not referring to healthy boundaries based in God’s wisdom. I’m talking about fear that keeps you stuck. Transformation happens when your soul is awakened after a trial, and you become restored. You become more like the woman God created you to be.

Transformation is an act of faith and willingness to change. It’s not possible if you hide behind the wall you’ve built around your heart.

The Restored Woman has a willing spirit. Willing to be transformed into God’s likeness, willing to receive blessings from Him and from others, and willing to open herself to whatever life has in store.

I believe this willing spirit is one of the most intriguing ways we can embrace the feminine soul God placed in us.

Virtue #4 of The Restored Woman: Quiet Confidence

Imagine a lighthouse. Despite the roaring winds and crashing waves, it stands firm on the shore. Not only does it stand firm, it shines a light out into the storm so that anyone caught in the tempest may eventually find their way to refuge.

The Restored Woman is a lighthouse. She is so firmly grounded in who she is in Christ that the storms swirling around her do not consume her. She is confident in who she is.

Not arrogant–that is different than confident. Arrogance comes from inflated thinking that our power comes from within us. It comes from believing we can muscle our way through, borne from fear. It prompts us to try to control our situations and the people in our lives, and convince others that we have it all together. Confidence is being still. Being still and knowing that He is God, not us.

The still, quiet confidence of the lighthouse, with its light shining out over the storm, creates a safe haven for others. As we draw our light from God, our heavenly source, we can shine it into the world–to our husbands, children, extended family, friends, and neighbors–in an unassuming way that creates space for other’s safety and profound transformation.

It’s the stuff meaningful relationships are made of.

In Conclusion…

A Restored Woman is a work in progress, just like the rest of us. It’s a continual, daily restoration-work that God is doing in us and through us. It might be the hardest improvement plan you go through, but OH, how worth it!

To show up as the woman you want to be.

Every day.

Regardless of how anyone else acts…

or how anything else plays out.

You get to be refined, revived, restored.

Because you are God’s workmanship.

I hope you choose this road to travel. To finally feel free, to break through your blocks, to heal your pain, to love yourself and others the way God desires. You see, you were never intended to live in a state of brokenness. In the beginning, God set people in the Garden to have a relationship with Him. One that is deeply intimate.

You can be set free from feeling broken. You can be made new (2 Corinthians 5:17) and live life abundantly (John 10:10).

That is my dream for you. Are you ready to experience the transformation?

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