Have you ever fought with these questions:
"Who am I?" and "What am I meant for?"

You are seen.

You are loved.

You have significant value to offer.

Of all the struggles women experience in life, of all the worries she encounters and works through, doubts about these three promises always seem to rise to the top.

Am I seen, appreciated, noticed?

Am I loved, desired, delighted in?

Do I have anything to offer the world that is worth its time?

We grapple with these questions because they make up the substance of our hearts, the core of who we were made to be. Women long to be seen, to be loved, and to have significant value to offer. And somewhere along the journey from our birth until now, we’ve lost our way. We’ve started to believe the lies that we are invisible. That we are unloveable. That what makes up our hearts isn’t worth sharing with others.

We’ve forgotten what we were made for.

But hope is not lost.

It may feel that way, but trust me. Hope is still there, fighting for you. Pressing against the door of your parched heart. It won’t force its way in, but if you allow yourself to open up to it, Hope can flood your soul and show you a better way to live.

Hope can offer you a life of true freedom. Of true satisfaction. Of being seen, loved, and valued for who you are.

I want to help you find that life.

That’s why I created the Passionate Heart Project.

What is the Passionate Heart Project?

The Passionate Heart Project centers on experiences that empower women to be themselves and share their gifts with a hurting world.

Learn to . . .

  • Thrive instead of merely existing, with a heart full and alive and free.

  • Fight for the things that matter most to you…. your husbands, your kids, your faith, your desires.

  • Love yourself unconditionally and unflinchingly, just like Jesus does.

  • Speak up, to unapologetically share the compassionate, precious gifts you were meant to give the world.

The Passionate Heart Project is about getting your true, honest, passionate Self back. The Self that was chosen by God to fill the world with greatness centered on His glory… and never letting it go again.

It’s not about merely finding the Hope that seems lost. It’s about colliding with it heart first. Mixing with it. Fiercely attaching to it so absolutely nothing can tear us away.

I’m not talking about cute, token faith that sounds pretty. I mean discovering a true shelter in the storm, where we know we are seen, loved, and valued, and we can rest in peace despite the wind in our faces, the rain pummeling our shoulders, and the world crumbling down around us.

Life is hard. And you may be thinking that a faith like that is impossible for you. But I promise it’s not out of reach. In Christ, you are capable of so much more than you can even imagine. Linked with the One who can fill your spirit with abundant life, you can embrace who you are and lead others to a place where they can find Hope, too.

Hi, I'm Janette Foreman

I’m a wife, boy mom, creative, and lover of Jesus. I believe in the power of words, in the stories we tell ourselves.  I believe we all long for connection and belonging… and I believe it takes hard work on ourselves to truly get there.

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